Course: Islam 101
Video lesson

Video #1: The Articles of Faith

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Islam straight from the source. We practice and promote a balanced view of Islam –the “middle way” that the Qur’an calls Muslims to follow: a path of moderation that is free of any extremism. For this reason, we ask you to listen with an open heart and an open mind. Our hope is that these presentations will help you understand what Islam is really all about.

What is Islam all about?

Islam is not a new religion. Rather, it is the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. For over a fifth of the world’s population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims are taught to be truthful, to be just, to help the needy, to honor their parents, and to maintain good relations with neighbors and relatives.

The Qur’an tells Muslims to say: “We believe in God and what was revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribes, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the Prophets from their Lord. We do not separate between them, and to Him we submit.” (3:84)

This is how Islam sees itself in relation to all other religions. The Message revealed to Muhammad is considered God’s religion for humanity in its final form. Muslims view Muhammad as the final successor to Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and all the previous prophets. Muslims view the Qur’an as the final Testament from God to humanity. Just as God sent revelation to Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them), Muslims believe God sent revelation to Muhammad (peace be upon him) to confirm, correct, and complete all previous Scriptures.

Welcome to your free Islam 101 video learning series!

In this session, we will talk about THE ARTICLES OF FAITH — the basic beliefs in Islam. As we said last time, this series of videos and lecture notes are free for you to use for your own self-study or to present Islam to others.

For your own self-study, here is the link to the video:

Islam101-1-The Articles of Faith

If you want to present Islam to others without the video, here is the PDF slideshow.

Finally, for those really studious among you, here are the notes for you to read along.

Feel free to use the Q&A section on the side with any questions, comments, or reflections.

REMEMBER :: With dialogue comes understanding. . .